Loading Music II plugin FAQ --------------------------- Contents: Q: MP3 files are not played on team select. Q: WAV files are not played in loop mode. Q: MP3 is not played on client connection. Q: MP3 is not played on client spectating. Answers: Q: MP3 files are not played on team select. A: They won't. Only WAV files supported. HL1 can't play looping MP3 good. There will be always a short gap on track restart. You can test it by yourself via 'mp3 loop ' command in console. Q: WAV files are not played in loop mode. A: You should know that HL1 play WAV files as loops if they have a special cue markers inside WAV file only. Execute 'soundlist' in console. Loop samples are marked with 'L', e.g.: L( 8b) 24053 : loading/HipHop.wav L( 8b) 33091 : loading/Shogo436.WAV L( 8b) 101473 : loading/ShogoTheme.wav L( 8b) 48272 : loading/Spaceman To make your own looping WAV files you need a knowledge of any sound editor: Sound Forge, Cool Edit etc. Q: MP3 is not played on client connection. A: Check whether it is placed in precache folder on server (it it a 'sound' folder) if admin allows to distribute this file by server. Next try to play that file on any client via 'mp3 play ' command. HL1 has a limited support of MP3 files. They should be 192 kbit max. VBR is not supported. Also check official MP3 files which come with the game (look into 'media' folder of your MOD) and make your tracks characteristics exactly the same. Don't bother me with questions about MP3 standart, please. Q: MP3 is not played on client spectating. A: Check whether 'amx_loading_flags' cvar contains flag 'b'. Also make sure you've read a previous Q, please.